2021 National Preparedness Month
8/20/2021 (Permalink)
Every September we observe National Preparedness Month, intent on raising awareness about the significance of preparing for disasters and emergencies. The theme for 2021 is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.” A specific theme is designated for each week and relevant tips are provided. Take time to work through each week's tips. Review the resources with every member of your household to best prepare for an emergency.
Week 1- Make a Plan
- Sign up for alerts
- Practice emergency drills
- Know your evacuation routes
- Make a communication plan for your household
Week 2- Build a Kit
- Create and build an emergency savings account
- Safeguard documents- Save important documents on the cloud and/or in fire & water-proof envelopes
- Assemble an emergency supplies kit
Week 3- Low-cost, No-cost Preparedness
- Know the risks in your area
- Document property, both building and contents
- Get involved in your community. Assist neighbors with their emergency plans.
- Review your insurance coverages with your agent
- Inspect your home for damages and make necessary repairs
Week 4 – Teach Youth About Preparedness
- Review and practice your emergency plan with youth
- Teach children about financially preparing for an emergency
- Play games with youth to help them learn
- Teach youth coping skills to help them stay calm during an emergency